of the Breath
Foods of
the Prophet
Infallible Remedy

If Allah touch thee with affliction,
none can remove it but He. (Qur'an 6:17)
The above
verse forms the basis of healing in the Sufi tradition. The entries in this section are
excerpted from various of Shaikh Chishtis books and lectures. They are specific
means to attain a true health of the body, mind, and soul. For these suggestions to be put
into practice successfully requires only the state of being known as tawwakul Allah (trust
in Almighty Allah). To inspire the reader's confidence in the suggestions which follow,
examples of various Sufi personages past and present are cited. All of these persons have
derived their own example and inspiration from that of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
(s.a.w.s.), whose life has been aptly described as "the Qur'an lived."