Islam, A Western View
Islam--A Western View On the subject of Islam it would not be out of place to reproduce here some of the relative excerpts from a learned article on Islam by the noted author James Michener which appeared under the above title in the Reader's Digest. A devoted scholar of Islam, Mr. Michener draws a true and faithful picture
of some of the most important aspects and principles of Islam and the life of its Holy
Prophet "One of the strangest facts in today's world is that Islam, a religion which in many ways is almost identical with Christianity and Judaism, should be so poorly understood in Europe and America. Since there are 1,350 million Muslims in the world, and since they control many strategic areas of the earth, it is essential that we understand them better." Rejecting
some of the ridiculous notions and imaginary stories heaping insults upon Islam, Mr.
Michener proceeds to clarify the tenets of Islam and the aspects of the pious life of its
Prophet "Let us see why these experiences would be so offensive to a believer
in Islam. Mohammed "By the age of forty," Michener says, "this man of the
desert had secured for himself a most satisfying life: a loving wife, fine children and
wealth. Then, in a series of dramatic and terrifying events, he began to receive through
Archangel Gabriel a revelation of Allah's word. Like almost every major Prophet before
him, Mohammed "Mohammed's "Later he became head of the state, and the testimony even of his enemies is that he administered wisely. The wisdom he displayed in judging intricate cases became the basis for the religious law that governs Islam today. In his final years, he was invited to become a dictator or a saint, but he rejected both temptations, insisting that he was an average man to whom Allah had sent another of His periodic messages to the world. "By the force of his extraordinary personality, Mohammed "Western critics have based their charges of voluptuousness mainly on
the question of women. Before Mohammed "A widespread misunderstanding arises from Mohammed's "In all things, Mohammed "At Mohammed's Important Facts "Many Westerners, accustomed by their history books to believe that Muslims were barbarous infidels, find it difficult to comprehend how profoundly our intellectual life has been influenced by Muslim scholars in the fields of science, medicine, mathematics, geography and philosophy. Crusaders who invaded the Holy Land to fight Muslims returned to Europe with new ideas of love, poetry, chivalry, warfare and government. Our concept of what a university should be was deeply modified by Muslim scholars who perfected the writing of history and who brought to Europe much Greek learning. "More than most religions, Islam preaches the brotherhood of all
races, colors and nations within its fold. Mohammed "For periods in history Muslim nations strayed far from the spirit of Mohammed. If one focuses only upon the worst Persian and Turkish caliphs, one can easily condemn Islam as a religion that failed. But one can find such similar dark spots in the history of Christianity and other religions. If one looks at the enormous good that Islam has achieved, however, one sees the permanent greatness of this religion. I have been studying Islam for many years, and I cannot see any valid reason why this religion and others cannot cooperate. I know that some fanatic men in Islam preach Jihad (holy war) against unbelievers and that they try to assassinate their own leaders to foment such war. But no sensible Muslim listens to them. They are today's equivalent of the hot-headed Christian knights who, in the Middle Ages, vowed to exterminate all Muslims. Age cures such rashness. (Extracts reprinted by permission of Reader's Digest, London, 1955). Beauties of Qur’an in the Eyes of Western Scholars The Qur’an needs no earthly champions. Its champion is Almighty Allah Himself. Its excellence is apparent to the world of the highly learned scholars, deep thinkers and religionists. It proclaims: "And they shall not bring to you any argument, but We have brought to you (one) with truth end the best significance." (25:33). Besides the candid and elaborate opinions of a host of Western scholastic giants, the following passage in the Chamber's Encyclopedia, Vol. IIl, (New Edition) records the beauties of the Qur’an: "That part of Islam, which most distinctly reveal the mind of its author, is also its most complete and its most admirable part -- we mean the ethics of the Qur’an. They are not found any more than the other laws brought together in one or two Suras, but, like golden threads they are woven Into the huge fabric of the religious constitution of Muhammad. "Injustice, falsehood, pride, revengefulness, calumny, mockery, avarice, prodigality, debauchery, mistrust, and suspicion are inveighed against as ungodly and wicked; while benevolence, liberality, modesty, forbearance, patience and endurance, frugality, sincerity, straightforwardness, decency, love of peace and truth and, above all trust in Allah and submission to His Will are considered as the pillars of true piety and the principal signs of a true believer. Nor must we omit to point out expressly that Muhammad