Chishtis and Islam
Hazrat Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti On the illustrious list of these great Sufi saints who preserved the spirit and promoted the cause of Islam by their strict religious devotion and amazing spiritual powers under all sorts of cruel persecution, the name of Hazrat Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti of Ajmer stands high in perpetual glory. This website and the work of our Mission is intended to show to the world what a marvelous role this singular lonely Sufi faqir has played in the 12th century A.D. for the spiritual salvation and moral uplift of the people by peaceful means and universal love. In fact, this lonely saint actually changed both the map and the course of history at a crucial period of destiny---not by sword or cannon but by the sweet and melodious spell of his spiritual sway plus unparalleled moral and religious character, a true revolution which ushered in a new era of peace and prosperity for the millions of India. It was and is a revolution which the march of history and the present civilization cannot afford to forget in the interests of mutual love and peace for which the people of the world are so intensely thirsting today. Because mutual goodwill and confidence between man and man and nation and nation are once more rapidly deteriorating, and because the world is searching for a lasting peace against the forces of Satan that have once again raised their monstrous head under the intoxication of a new kind of scientific materialism. The teachings of Islam must therefore be revived in the interests of world peace. We are sure these lessons will prove of immense value in easing the political and religious tensions and restoring the waning faith of man in Allah and Religion without which there will be no lasting peace in the world, insha Allah. A Grand Worldwide Mission One of the objects of this Chishti Mission is to lay before the present world a rather forgotten but great historical event of Islam in the interests of universal brotherhood and peace--an awe-inspiring miracle brought about by the Divine will of Allah and not by the power of any sword. This was the marvelous success of Hazrat Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti's grand mission in India. As a matter of fact, it was one more grand victory of the Eternal Truth against the evils of excessive materialism through the amazing spiritual powers and influence of a solitary dervish. The success of the saint's mission in Ajmer against odds becomes all the
more important and amazing when we consider that he was not a Prophet but was only an
humble devotee and servant of the Holy Prophet Again, in Mecca, the atmosphere was of a triumphant victory after unconditional surrender of the enemy. But in India there were hostile odds pitched against the lonely dervish in a climate thickly surcharged with hatred in the wake of a great political victory of Raja Prithvi Raj Chauhan of Ajmer against Shihabuddin Mohammed Ghauri in the first battle of Tarain or Trawri in 1191 A.D. Yet this lonely apostle of Truth won all the furious battles of opposition and persecution single-handedly without harming even a single soul, in order to uphold the dignity of Islam's Peace and Love for mankind. And it is due to this unique feature of his success plus his never-failing spiritual blessings upon the oppressed and down-hearted humanity that billions of Indians, irrespective of caste, creed or color, continue to hold him in highest reverence for the past 800 years.