Spread of Islam
Propagation of Islam "The Brotherhood of
Truth is one in all ages: it is narrow men who create sects. Let them not think that the
goods of this world can shield them from evil or its consequences. Allah's Truth and His
messenger A
fallacious charge is frequently brought against Muslims and the Holy Prophet Mohammed It is therefore inconceivable that the Holy Prophet Before arriving at the rash conclusion that Islam was spread by compulsion or sword or violence, it is necessary to study and understand the true history of Islam which has not only been badly twisted but also misrepresented by the enemies of Islam and their flattering historians. We are chiefly concerned with the explanation of the teachings of Islam and not with the personal characteristics and deeds of those short-sighted Muslim exploiters and rulers who did not live up to its principles as laid down in the Holy Quran and thus, instead of attracting the people, caused repulsion against the faith of Islam which was unambiguously made clear in its verdict on .the point of compulsion in religion. It will be a grave and gross injustice to Islam if it is treated in the
general sense prevalent among those who know nothing about this universal religion of
peace and brotherhood. In fact, Truth has been mixed up with falsehood, and it is for all
intelligent and sober people to correct the misunderstanding in order to get a true
picture of Islam. The truth of Islam is amply corroborated by the teachings and the
exemplary life of the Holy Prophet Islam Never Spread by Sword Bloodshed was and is entirely against the spirit of Islam and repugnant to
the teachings of the Prophet On the other hand, in the latter history of Christianity we see that sword was frequently used indiscriminately for the slaughter of all non-Christians. Even among the Christians themselves, those who did not follow the Church of Rome were slaughtered mercilessly. If any Muslim ruler or exploiter acted contrary to the teachings of Islam,
it was his personal fault which cannot be laid at the door of Islam and for which he will
be answerable to Allah according to Islamic injunctions and restrictions. Against the
militants, the Prophet "Charity of the tongue, the most important and least cultivated of
all charities, was likewise earnestly inculcated by Mohammed
"Citing various examples of coercion to which Muslims were subjected by the Jews and the Christians, Dr. M.A. Salmin proceeds: "I challenge anybody to show me an instance when the Prophet "From the moment Christianity became a recognized force, it became aggressive and persecuting. The name of religion served as the plea and justification of aggression upon the weaker nations to lead to their spoliation and enslavement. Thus it is Islam that has suffered endless persecution patiently at the hands of its enemies at every step of its peaceful Propagation and progress." Referring to the diplomatic toleration of Christianity, Dr. Salmin continues: "In the history of religion as well as individuals, except in Islam, we see that the spirit of toleration is preached and insisted only as long as they have been powerless, which spirit gave way to intolerance and persecution the moment they attained power. Till the time of the conversion of Constantine, Christianity was weak and in consequence remained passive, but from the moment of the conversion of Constantine, it became a stage for molestation. From this moment began a system of religious persecution unparalleled in conception. "From the very moment," writes Lecky, "the church obtained civil power under Constantine, the general principle of coercion was admitted and acted upon against the Jews, the heretics and the pagans." Dr. Salmin multiplies such instances and then deplores: "Yet the followers of this religion have the temerity and impudence to say that Islam became militant since its advent in Medina. Yes, Islam did become militant in so far as it was necessary to fight for self-preservation." It is a well-known fact that Islam, as a religion, never took initiative in aggression even against its worst enemies. It was quite contrary to its spirit and teachings. Islam was always ready to say to its enemies: "Cease hostilities, be our allies and we shall be faithful to you; or pay tribute as a cost of protecting your life and property, and we shall secure and protect you in all your rights. Muslim laws of war are also admittedly more humane than those of any other religion. The Holy Quran has ordained: "And fight for the religion of Allah against those who fight against you, but transgress not by attacking them first, for Allah loveth not the transgressors."(11: 257). Describing statecraft in Christianity, Khwaja Kamaluddin, author of The Ideal Prophet, says: "The pulpit has always been subservient to statecraft. The clergy furthers the ends of the state rather than guard the conscience of the people. They read homilies of war when the state wants war, as did the Bishop of London in 1914 at the Marble Arch, but they lay special stress on the Sermon on the Mount when the time has come for the sword to return to the scabbard. Humility, meekness, forgiveness and non-resistance to evil are some of the claimed ethics of Christianity, but her history discloses quite a different chapter. There we find heartless, sanguinary persecution of others, want of charity and lack of kindliness." While religious wars and persecution have blackened many chapters of
European history, it must be noted that Prophet Mohammed Clarifications "Besides the various old scholars and impartial historians belonging to other religions, many of the recent writers on Islam, like Khwaja Kamaluddin (author of The Ideal Prophet), Syed Amir All (author of The Spirit of Islam) and AI-Haj Dr. M.A. Salmin (author of The Holy Prophet Through Different Lights) have also refuted this fallacious charge. We cannot do better than reproducing here a few relevant extracts from their works and leaving the judgment to the people themselves. Writing about Prophet Mohammed's "The Prophet The terms were: (1)The Muslims and the Jews shall live as one people. (2)
Each one of the party shall keep its own faith, neither shall interfere with that of the
other. (3) In the event of war with a third party, each was bound to come to the
assistance of the other provided the latter were the party aggrieved and not the
aggressors. (4)In the event of an attack on Medina, both shall join hands to defend it.
(5) Peace, when desirable, shall be made in consultation with each other. (6) Medina shall
be regarded as sacred by both, all bloodshed being forbidden there. (7) The Prophet These terms themselves, which form the starting point of Islam, refute the
baseless charge of spreading it by the force of sword. On the contrary, they prove how the