Blessings of Islam
What is Islam
Purpose of Religion
Concept of Allah
Qur'an: A Divine Book
The Sunnah: Traditions
The Ideal Prophet
Spirit of Islam
Cardinal Principles
Islam, A Western View
Injunctions of
Khalifat & Early
Spread of Islam
Virtues of Islam
Chishtis and Islam

In addition to the Quran, Islam
relies upon traditions--what Mohammed said and
did. After Mohammed's death, more
than 600,090 separate anecdotes about him were current, and several great scholars
undertook the job of checking them for historical validity. More than 597,090, were
rejected. The remainder, called the Hadith, are accepted by all Muslims.
Much of Islam's common sense comes from them. For example, one dark night
Mohammed had to escort his wife home
from the mosque. On the way he saw two men giggling in the shadows, so he called them to
him, lifted his wife's veil and said, See, it is my wife with whom I walk.
When the strangers protested that they trusted him, he said: I was not worried about
your trust of me. I did not want your faith to be affected by your suspicions.
a Jew came to the Prophet and
protested that Mohammed's chief
assistant had outraged Jews by claiming that Mohammed was more exalted than Moses
. The Prophet said to his
assistant: "You should not have said this. The feelings of other people must be
Also some of the profoundest elements of Muslim faith and culture derive
from these traditions. Every Muslim, In beginning a meal or entering upon any other task,
repeats "In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Beneficent." This Is the
opening verse of the Quran. Muslims greet each other with the traditional salutation
peace be on you. The whole ritual of congregational prayer is taken from the
traditions, including the well-known call to worship.
Some of these Traditions have influenced Western behavior. On one
occasion, Mohammed saw a donkey
being branded on the face. When asked why this was being done, the herdsmen said;
"The Romans taught us this to prevent theft." Mohammed reflected a moment and said: "An animal's face is the most
sensitive part of its body. If you must brand, then do it on the flanks, where the flesh
is thicker." And the custom spread.
As a successful general, Mohammed
left many traditions regarding decent conduct in war. "Faithfully carry out
all covenants and agreements. Avoid treachery and do not disfigure the enemy dead. Do not
slay children, women, old men or persons dedicated to the service of religion. Do not
destroy sacred objects, orchards or crops."
the Traditions Mohammed appears as a
saintly man, one whom devout people of all religions would have recognized immediately as
deeply concerned about the nature of God. He preached that slaves should be set free, that
fathers should not kill unwanted baby girls, that those oppressed by society inherit the
earth, that peace is better than war, that justice prevails. There is much proof that
Mohammed hoped for the day when all
who shared a common belief in Allah would exist together in peace. It is well documented
that, on one occasion, when a deputation of Christians visited him, he said, when time for
prayers arrived, "Conduct your service here in the mosque. It is a place consecrated
to God."
No other religion in history spread so rapidly as Islam. By the time of
Mohammed's death (A.D. 632) Islam
controlled a great part of Arabia. Soon it triumphed in Syria, Persia, Egypt, the lower
borders of present Russia and across North Africa to the gates of Spain. In the next
century its progress was even more spectacular.
"The West has widely believed that this surge of religion was made
possible by the sword. But no modern scholar accepts that idea, and the Quran is
explicit in support of freedom of conscience. The evidence is strong that Islam welcomed
the peoples of many diverse religions, so long as they behaved themselves, Mohammed constantly taught that Muslims should cooperate with the
"people of the Book" (Jews and Christians).
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